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Moalboal, Philippines Information

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We would like this to be your starting point to explore Moalboal, the best diving in Cebu and arguably some of the best, most affordable diving in SE Asia.

If you are a scuba diver based in Asia, you probably don't need much of an introduction to Moalboal since we have been featured in regional diving magazines for years. For those of you from Europe, Australia or the US, perhaps we won't be quite so familiar. We want to change that and at the same time show you that there is a lot more to Moalboal than just diving. To jump right in, have a look at the Links on the left; we also have an XML button RSS feed which lists the latest changes to the site.
  • If you're thinking of coming to Moalboal, have a look at the points on the general information page before you leave this site, they may be useful for your planning.
  • Help other visitors; if you have already been to Moalboal, perhaps you would like to tell others what you thought of the place. Post to the discussion forum
  • You can see what other people have said about Moalboal on the Comments page. If you would like to make your own comments, please fill in the submit comments form

A reminder . . .

Please remember than I have not lived in Moalboal since 2000, so inevitably things will have changed. If you know Moalboal or have visited before and have any updates, corrections, photographs or ideas for improvements, please . I am very happy to include new material in the site. Special thanks to Per Knudsen who sent me a couple of dozen "hot off the presses" pictures so that I could see as well how things have changed! I've included these in the tour section. Regula took more photos when she visited in 2009 and these are under the 2009 photo tour link.

Since October 1998 you are visitor

to the Moalboal web site
