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Link Sites Relevant to Moalboal, Philippines

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Here are some links that you might find useful or interesting. If you have any links that you think should be included - especially for background info on the Philippines - or that have problems, please send me an . I did have forms in place for this but due to abuse by spammers, I have had to disable these. I have marked links that are New or have been Updated in the last month.

These links are to external sites and to anywhere that might be useful in your planning. For the dive shops and resorts in Moalboal, please go to the Diving or the Accommodation pages where you will find full listings.

To check the status and last modifed dates of many of our links, have a look at our Link Status page.

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Moalboal-related Sites

Accommodation in Moalboal almost all the places to stay available in Moalboal and surrounding area with links to the resort's web sites where available
Chili Bar good fun bar in the middle of the Beach (used to be Bulldog some time ago). Now revitalised and back with a vengence!
Dive Moalboal great general information about diving and dive shops in Moalboal
Freediving courses & info info about breath-hold (free) dive courses in Cenu & Moalboal
Info Moalboal very good general information about coming to Moalboal, staying, things to do, places to stay etc. - recommended
Klemens Gann's Moalboal video site great videos made by Klemens (an instructor at Blue Abyss) of some of the sights underwater in Moalboal - highly recommended
Moalboal dive shops all the dive shops in Moalboal, with links to their pages if available
Moalboal town profile background on Moalboal from the Department of Trade & Industry, Philippines
Philippine Immigration Department very important people for those wanting to spend more than a short holiday in the Philippines, the site has full information about visa requirements and the various possibilites for working (legally) in the country.
Planet Action Adventure adventure trips and action activities in Moalboal
Property Günter and Edith's pages (in English) have more information about owning property and having houses built in Tongo Point, Moalboal
Retirement in Moalboal Beach side retirement apartments in Moalboal, Cebu with 24/7 nursing staff under Swiss management.
Roxy Music Pub & Planet Island accommodation, food, live music and other activities
telephone, fax and e-mail listings for Moalboal people and businesses
Underwater DVD's from Moalboal super DVD's filmed in Moalboal by Blue Abyss
Webshots Moalboal Photos collection of great u/w photos by Bernd Müller
Moalboal's Wikipedia entry see what Wikipedia has to say about Moalboal

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Cebu, Visayas & Philippine Sites

Action Divers dive shop in Puerto Galera, Mindoro
Aliawan Enterprises, South Cotabato information, photographs and trivia from South Cotabato, Mindanao
Apo Island Diving dive shop and accommodation on Apo Island, Negros
Aquaventure/Whitetip, Manila a dive equipment supplier, holiday organiser, travel company; the shops in Cebu & Dumaguete appear to have closed but they have several outlets in Manila, Boracay & Puerto Galera
Badian Island Hotel 5 star resort on the island of Badian, 15 km south of Moalboal
Cabilao Beach Resort one of the few places to stay on Cabilao - great diving especially macro. Some of the photos on the site are from an old Moalboal hand; Kevin has produced fantastic shots and the ones on the site are no exception
Cebu Best Homes houses, flats, condos etc. for sale and rent in Cebu City and in the rest of the island
Cebu Cruising company offering sea cruises, snorkelling and reef exploration in the area of Mactan Island and further afield. Offers training in English and Japanese, has an office in the Shangri-La, Mactan Island and offers collection from many of the Mactan hotels
Cebu On Wheels useful background info for disabled travellers to the Philippines. This site offers info and assisted tours, booking and all sorts of help
Cebu Living Pointman Cebu offers services to vistors and residents of Cebu - housing, health, tours plus loads of others - andc a good set of active forums for more general advice
Cebu Home Living Buying property in the Cebu area
Got Cebu Restaurant and eating places in and around Cebu reviewed. Nice!
Cebu Hotels basic info about many hotels in Cebu, plus on-line booking service. Have a look at the travel guides and general pointers; they are well-written and offer sensible advice
El Dorado Beach Resort, Negros PADI Instructor Development Centre a little south of Dumaguete, Negros Oriental
Fly to Cebu good selection of destinations, some rarely seen idylls such as Sipalay Island and even my favourite hotel in Cebu, the St. Moritz :-). Also offers some flights & packages. Site currently only in German
Genesis Divers, Bohol one of the pleasantest dive shops in Alona Beach. Have a look at Giso's operation and see whether he can help you
Jens Peters Publications the author of the original Lonely Planet Guide to the Philippines, now out on his own, based in Manila; his site is packed with info about the Philippines in general and specific places - well worth a look
Kookoo's Nest, Negros simple, comfortable resort with very good food, diving, wonderful owners - old friends so we're biased - and a great place to hang out
Monarch Sands Resort, Negrosl situated north of Siaton in a secluded bay on the southern tip of Negros Island. Dive, swim, fish, snorkel.
Philippines Travel Guide Philippines destination guide with personal recommendations on accommodation, transportation, media, activities and things to do and see, including surfing and scuba diving locations throughout the Philippine Islands
Scubaduba web site thousands of links to scuba-related stuff all over the world
ScubaWorld Inc. one of the larger dive stores in Philippines with branches in Manila and Cebu (Capitol, Maribago & Punta Engano). Offers gear (Scubapro, Suunto, Oceanic etc.) diver training and dive travel. Worth a look if you're searching for any of these in Philippines
Sogod Bay Scuba Centre, Leyte totally fantastic diving in the Padre Burgos area of Southern Leyte. From superb macro to whale sharks, my favourite dive area!
Vizvoyz a website dedicated to Cebuano-speaking Visayans from East Visayas to Mindanao

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Philippines/Asia Background

Balita Pinoy news site for Filipinos, Overseas Workers and Expats
Filipino Sites loads of local links within Philippines. Look around, you will see something interesting here
Exchange Rate how much is your currency worth right now in the Philippines?
Lonely Planet Guide one of the most highly respected travel guides in the world. The guide started with backpacking trips in SE Asia and went on to cover most of the world, especially the more unusual destinations. As Lonely Planet put it themselves they "assume the traveller knows how to get their luggage off the carousel". As a personal point though, the popularity of some guides may lead to a guidebook mentality . . . "if it's not in the book, it's not worth seeing" which can be a mistake (my personal view only). Guide books are to be consulted but are always only one or two people's opinions
Lonely Planet Feedback/Comment Page tell people what you thought of the places you visited, you may be included in the next edition!
SE Asia Hotel Booking service based in Hong Kong offering on-line hotel bookings and reservations. Caters mostly to the US$50 and up market, but some interesting cheaper hotels as well
Starfish loads of interesting stuff about diving and travel in the Philippines and Asia, especially some of the less frequented areas
Sun.Star Daily Cebu's leading English-language newspaper. Catch up with events in the province before you arrive

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Other countries

Diving in Japan a site run by Steve Lloyd who is associated with the Awesome Dive Club, a dive club for local and expatriates in Japan. The club comes over to Moalboal once or twice a year for diving and a holiday. You can usually find them at Molly's Place at Christmas and Easter. If you are based in Japan, you should have a look at Steve's site and chase up the ADC for some affordable Japanese diving
Electronic Post Offices this is a page run by Dag Tjemsland from Norway. He has put together a list of places in Asia where you can access your e-mail or have your e-mail forwarded. If you suffer withdrawal symptoms when you don't get your "e-mail fix", have a look at places in the area you're thinking of visiting. Note that there are now a vast number of Internet cafés all over Asia - you probably won't have any problems finding somewhere to check your mail except in the most remote locations
Hong Kong Underwater Club the oldest dive club in south-east Asia, one of several BSAC Clubs in Hong Kong. Has several useful links and background on learning to dive in Hong Kong
Sea King Diving, Phuket Live-aboard based in Phuket, day trips, short cruises and dive training. If anyone has and experience with them, please drop me a note.

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Cathay Pacific direct flights from Hong Kong to Cebu
Malaysia Airlines flights from Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu to Cebu
Philippine Airlines direct flights from Japan and Hong Kong, major domestic carrier
Qatar Airways flights to Cebu via Singapore and Doha
Singapore Airlines direct flights from Singapore to Cebu (using Silk Air)

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Travel Companies

Supercat ferry company schedules for the fast ferries to and from destinations in the Visayan area
Swagman Travel (Cebu) reliable travel agents are difficult to find in Philippines; this one has been better than most and can deal with any travel and visa requirements that you may have.
WG & A Ferries one of the larger and more reliable ferry companies; big, comfortable boats to most of the more important destinations is a resource for adventure travel planning and outdoor recreation. They are a direct marketing company that uses their products, services, & events to promote adventure travel programs.

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Action Asia active sports orientated magazine based in Hong Kong. The magazine has loads of gloss . . . .
Asian Diver Magazine the best diving magazine in the region, focussing specifically on the Asia-Pacific region. A vast amount of material to explore!
BSAC Magazine something for members and those interested in UK diving
Philippine Diver Magazine dive site reviews and some Philippine diving info

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Dive Training Organisations

British Sub Aqua Club the oldest dive club in the world has a new look. Check it out . . . not all British divers go abroad to get wet! BSAC training is widely regarded as the most thorough in the industry. (Others say "why should you have to spend a month swimming up and down a pool when you want to learn to scuba dive?"). Have a look for yourself :-)
Divers Alert Network SE Asia information, news and so on from DAN SE Asia; medical & insurance info
National Association of Underwater Instructors all you ever wanted to know about diving NAUI-style. Not as popular in Asia as PADI but there are quite a few NAUI instructors in the Philippines
Professional Association of Dive Instructors all you ever wanted to know about diving PADI-style: courses, dive centres, contact info and how to spend lots of money
PADI Members new standards, forms, jobs in the industry and (of course) PADI sales

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Scuba-related newsgroups

These links all go to the newsgroup mentioned (you need to have a newsreader configured). Rec.scuba is very much US-based - plenty of info on the Bahamas etc. - but not so much for Asia. Have a look and see what you find!
rec.scuba discussions on anything related to scuba (high volume)
rec.scuba.locations discussions on destinations for scuba trips (low-med. volume) discussions on general travel destinations, problems, sights, recommendations within Asia (med. volume)

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