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Suggested Excursions around Moalboal

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Kawasan Waterfalls White Beach
Planet Action Adventure Trips Snorkelling
Orchid Farm Windsurfing and Sea Kayaking
Discover Scuba Diving Moalboal Market
Whale Watching Cock Fights
Hans' Aquarium Motorcycle Rental

Kawasan Falls

What is it?

Kawasan Falls are where a river falls steeply down the hills above the town of Matatinao, just south of Badian. It is actually a series of waterfalls, of which the first is the biggest, however the scenery gets wilder and more impressive the further up you go.

How to get there

There are quite a few ways to get to Kawasan:

What to see

Check out the photos that Jochen has at Planet Action. The area is very pretty and offers (cold!) fresh water bathing, a Tarzan swing and the opportunity to climb up beside the waterfall and imitate the high divers of Acapulco! The higher up the river valley, the prettier it gets, with places where you must swim up a gorge and clamber over rocks. Good fun!

Remember that this area is popular with locals as well as visitors, so try to avoid the weekends and holidays otherwise you will share the place with screaming children, BBQ stands and radios!

If you go up this far, the "Lost Falls" area, be sure to be out well before it gets dark because it's very easy to get lost or injured in the dark. It's wiser to go with a guide (see below).

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Planet Action Adventure

Jochen rents out Mountain Bikes from this operation between Roxy and Visaya Divers. Jochen also offers a variety of guided bike tours to local spots of interest such as the cave at Busay (1/2 day trip). Downhill adventure trips can be customised to your requirements and usually last one or two days. You will be taken high into the mountains above Moalboal by truck and descend by bike. On the descent, you will pass through native villages and down mountain trails which are inaccessible to motor vehicles. For keen bikers, a "Hard Core" tour is available which takes two days and is guaranteed to get you fit!

Jochen also makes trips to neighbouring Negros Island, to the Twin Lakes and Mount Kanlaon, a volcano that is still active.

They offer regular bikes in addition to bikes with front suspension and all bikers receive a specially produced "bikers map" which details points of interest. This map cannot be obtained elsewhere and is more detailed than any officially produced map. Other excursions offered are to nearby White Beach or horse riding up in the mountains. For more details, have a look at the Planet Action Adventure web pages.

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Windsurfing and Sea Kayaking

If you are interested in learning to sea kayak or to windsurf, John Zuke can help you. If you're interested in learning, ask in one of the dive shops and they will help you to find John.

Orchid Farm

Reto and Felix are the owners of the orchid farm situated just outside Moalboal town. The farm is a paradise for orchid and flower lovers. Inside the orchid farm there is also a big swimming pool where you can go swimming after you have had your guided tour around the farm. Reto is a very skilled horticulturist and will happily discuss his passion for orchids for hours on end if you wish! All you ever wanted to know about orchids but were afraid to ask . . . . Some beautiful orchids

Reto also has a small swimming pool at his Orchid Farm and it does make a pretty place to spend the afternoon, especially if the weather turn a bit bad - can happen sometimes!

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Moalboal Town

Moalboal Market

Around Moalboal there are several points of interest such as the market. The market is at its best on Sundays when many mountain folk make their way down from the mountains with their handicrafts which are offered for sale at very reasonable prices. The men folk have better things (26KB JPEG) to do whilst their wives are buying and selling produce! Close to the municipal hall is the fish market (29kB JPEG) which is located right on the pier . . . just look for the fishing boats. If buying, don't forget to haggle over the price!

Cock Fights

Two cocks facing off in the marketIn Basdiot (a 5 minute tricycle ride (22KB JPEG) from Panagsama Beach) is the cockfight arena; cockfights take place every Saturday afternoon.

Saturday afternoon is gambling day for many Filipinos, and cockfighting is a national passion. The visitor will be warmly welcomed and encouraged to bet. If in doubt pick a bird with the most outrageous looking feathers! Alcohol and cockfighting go hand-in hand so don't be surprised if beers are offered shortly after you arrive! Cockfighting is not for the squeamish . . . usually the losing cock dies as a result of its injuries and is taken home for supper. Opposite two cocks are put to a practice bout in the market before the big day.

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Motorcycle Rental

Another way of getting around to explore the area is to rent a motorcycle. Several places will rent you modern dual-purpose bikes. Normal procedures apply when renting bikes. Note that helmets are not required except in Cebu City. If you plan to ride to the City (not advisable, buses are cheaper and safer) then do get a helmet. Places that may rent bikes include Eve's Kiosk, Roxy/Planet Island Inbound and Mollie's Place.

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Hans' Aquarium

Hans has spent much of his years in Moalboal building up an enviable collection of sea creatures. You can visit his Aquarium between 17 and 18.00h every day and have a look at some of the shyer reef creatures such as an octopus and cleaner shrimps.

White Beach

View of White Beach
This lovely beach is close to Moalboal and can be reached via a hour walk, 20 minute mountain-bike ride or 10 minute motorbike ride (motorbikes can be rented at Panagsama). At White Beach you can go snorkelling, sunbathing, or just hang out and take it easy.

As the name suggests, the sand is very fine and white. There is little in the way of development here - one sari-sari store and some lean-to shelters for shade - so if you are looking for a traditional unspoilt quiet spot, this is a natural choice. If you get thirsty, ask one of the children to fetch some coconuts for you. White Beach can get quite crowded at weekends, and especially then keep a close eye on your possessions.

P.S. That was in 2000. Now . . . well shall we just say that it's a very different story and the majority of the change is not (in my opinion) for the better. You can at least find something to drink other than coconut juice though and if you go further north along White Beach it's still like this:
North of White Beach
There are a couple of good dive sites in this area, including "the Airport"; you can see the dive boats moored just off the reef. There are a couple of lovely places to stay around here, including the Serena Beach Resort and the Blue Orchid Resort. This photo was taken at Easter (peak season) in 2004. As you can see, fighting for space :-)

Other Activities for Non-divers


Snorkelling is fantastic, try White Beach, Pescador Island or the House Reef at Panagsama Beach. Warm, clear water and an abundance of marine life mean that there are hours of pleasure in snorkelling.

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Discover Scuba Diving

Or you may try a Discover Scuba Diving course; the PADI Discover Scuba Diving program which is offered by all the dive shops, allows those who never tried it to safely experience the thrill of scuba diving. You will be able to briefly escape to a unique part of our world with vivid colours, pristine beauty and fascinating aquatic creatures. You can visit coral reefs bursting with marine life or go swimming with schools of colourful fish. It's easier than you think! Blue Abyss Divers and Visaya Divers offer the PADI Discover Scuba experience which is conducted in their swimming pool.

Whale Watching

Whale Watching will appeal to both divers and non-divers alike. During April, May and June, Neptune Diving can arrange one or two day safaris where we go looking for whales around the Bohol Sea, Sulu Sea and the Tañon Strait areas. If lucky, you may see Pilot whales, Brydes whales, sperm whales, Minke whales. This is a relatively new activity here in the Philippines and Neptune Diving Unlimited was the first to pioneer this type of safari for visitors to Moalboal. Forget what you may have seen in the movies, aquarium's, zoos . . . the only way to really appreciate the beauty of whales is to view them in their natural habitat: the Ocean.

Whale watching is much better than whale hunting!

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