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Moalboal Web Site - Feedback/Pre-booking Form

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What would you like from this site?

I have put this form together so that I can help you to find out the information about Moalboal that you want to find, and also so that I can get a better idea of who is using our site and what they would like to see.

Please take a few moments to fill in this form because it will help me to help you, either now or in the future.

We take your privacy seriously: our policy is not to use our mailing list outside the company and we will not sell that list. You will get no mails promising to make you a billionaire as a result of subscribing to our list or entering your name and/or e-mail address into a form on our site!

Mailing Lists


If you would like to receive infrequent mailings (approx. one per month) about things that are going on in Moalboal, please visit our mailing list page.


Enter your first or first and family name (required):
Enter your e-mail address (required):
Which geographical region are you based in?
What is your native/primary language?
If your native language is other than English, how would you rate your English ability? (There are resorts/dive shops that have some languages available and not others; you may feel more comfortable with people who speak your own language well!)

Accommodation and Travel

How are you thinking of travelling? Alone
What sort of accommodation would you prefer? Fan Air-con
Budget Mid-price
Would you be interested in packages which include accommodation and some/all meals with diving? (y/n)
How long do you think you might stay in Moalboal? A week or less
1 - 2 weeks
2 - 4 weeks
More than a month
If you would prefer simple cottage accommodation, would you like to have your own bathroom, or would a communal bathroom be acceptable? Private Communal
Would you prefer to be collected from the airport by taxi, or to make your own way to Moalboal by bus? Taxi Bus


Are you a certified diver? Yes No
If no, are you interested in learning to scuba dive or in taking a one morning or afternoon introductory course? Yes No N/A
Would you feel more comfortable having your first session(s) in a swimming pool rather than sheltered conditions in the sea? Yes No N/A
If yes, which certification agency issued your C-card? BSAC
If yes, what is your certification level? Entry-level/CMAS *
w/further training/CMAS *
Rescue trained/CMAS **
Dive Master/CMAS ***
Do you have any particular interests in your diving, such as photography? Photo

About our Site . . . .

Please be honest, I really want to know what you think, especially if it's not complimentary!! Smiley

How interesting was our site to you? 1 2 3 4 5
Not interesting at all (!) Right arrow Quite interesting Right arrow Extremely interesting
How useful for planning was our site? 1 2 3 4 5
Not useful at all Right arrow Quite useful Right arrow Extremely useful

What changes to the style of the site would you like to see? More text
Same text
Less text
More pictures
Same pictures
Fewer pictures
Were you able to find the information that you were looking for? Yes
Did you use the site search engine? Yes


Please enter any comments that you have about our web site, especially things that you liked or didn't like, things or pieces of information that you'd like to see added, or information that you would like me to send you, or anything that I haven't covered or mentioned above.

Thank you for responding. Every return will be looked at carefully and I hope to incorporate suggestions in future updates to the site.

Many thanks for your information and help,

Simon Wright

This page has been disabled because of spammers. Sorry. When people stop encouraging spammers then the web will become a nicer place. Please e-mail me to the address below if you have any comments or would have liked to use this form.
