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Moalboal, Philippines - Site Contents

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Site Contents

Here is a guide to what you can find on the Moalboal site (and where you can find it):

Info about Philippines Info about dive sites
Maps of the area (regional) Info about diving and dive shops
Info about Cebu Info about places to stay
Info about Moalboal Info about places to eat
General info about travelling to Philippines Info about things to do (apart from diving!)
How to get to Moalboal Useful or interesting links to other sites
Visual tour of Moalboal Feedback and/or pre-booking form
Info about communications Mailing list for information about Moalboal
Discussion forum. Questions, discussion, anything at all about Moalboal What people have said about Moalboal
Moalboal Site Map Moalboal, 1989-95 best appreciated by those that were there! (password protected). if you would like to have access.
